New use for Spring Beans

My parents came back from Hawaii with beautiful Hula dolls for the ladies. Dolls made of porcelain. You know, the kind that break. Immediately. Literally 3 minutes after receiving them...

So here I am with my two part epoxy gluing arms and legs and heads back onto dolls, and no way to hold them together so the glue can dry without attaching my fingers to them as well.

Bam! Give me that Spring Bean...

Worked like a charm. Until 5 minutes later when my 2 year old chucked the doll across the room.

Hot guys love Mommy Toolbox

When it came time for the latest MTB photo shoot, the photographer asked me, "What are you thinking for models?"

"Hot guys."

She paused.

"Who doesn't like hot guys?" I said.

She pondered, then smiled.


Unique Los Angeles

I don't like to complain, really I don't.
OK, sometimes I do.

Surrounded by hipsters, listening to great music, drinking iced coffee...I'm supposed to be selling MTB like hotcakes, yet I'm in the section where the AC broke, the foot traffic missed us, and our view is of the building next door. HUH?

I bought a change purse made from a soymilk box, and I'm stoked.

Just trying to make lemonade...